Piotr Jadwiszczak

Piotr Jadwiszczak
email: piotrj@uwb.edu.pl
tel.: (85) 745-76-99
pokoj: 3010
godziny konsultacji: poniedziałek, godz. 13.00-14.00

Zainteresowania naukowe

Moja obecna tematyka badawcza koncentruje się na szeroko rozumianej historii ewolucyjnej pingwinów (Sphenisciformes), szczególnie antarktycznych przedstawicieli tego rzędu. Ponadto, uczestniczę w badaniach struktury genetycznej reliktowych populacji brzóz, prowadzonych przez dr hab. Katarzynę Jadwiszczak, oraz interesuję się metodami statystycznej analizy danych biologicznych.

Jestem członkiem Komitetu Badań Polarnych przy Prezydium PAN (trzecia kadencja), Rady Naukowej Instytutu Paleobiologii PANSociety of Avian Paleontology and Evolution, Palaeontological Association.



  • A.N.M.A. Ausems, N.D. Kuepper, D. Archuby, C. Braun, A.K. Gębczyński, A. Gladbach, S. Hahn, P. Jadwiszczak, P. Kraemer, M.M. Libertelli, S. Lorenz, B. Richter, A. Ruß, T. Schmoll, S. Thorn, J. Turner, K. Wojczulanis‑Jakubas, D. Jakubas, P. Quillfeldt, Where have all the petrels gone? Forty years (1978–2020) of Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) population dynamics at King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo, Antarctica) in a changing climate, Polar Biology 2023, 46:655–672, DOI: 0.1007/s00300-023-03154-4
  • P. Jadwiszczak, A. Svensson-Marcial, T. Mörs, An integrative insight into the synsacral canal of fossil and extant Antarctic penguins, Integrative Zoology 2023; 18: 237–253, DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12689
  • Jadwiszczak P., Reguero M., Mörs T. 2021. A new small-sized penguin from the late Eocene of Seymour Island with additional material of Mesetaornis polaris. GFF 143:2-3: 283-291, DOI: 10.1080/11035897.2021.1900385
  • Drzymulska D., Jadwiszczak P.2020. Towards the reconstruction of subfossil vegetation: an unexpected plant record in Early Holocene sediments of a mire in NE Poland. Boreal Environment Research 25: 171–183.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2020. Outline shape analysis of penguin humeri: a robust approach to taxonomic classification. Polar Research 39, 4370, DOI: 10.33265/polar.v39.4370.
  • Acosta Hospitaleche C., Jadwiszczak P., Clarke J.A., Cenizo M. 2019. The fossil record of birds from the James Ross Basin, West Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science 30(3): 251-273, DOI: 10.13679/j.advps.2019.0014 
  • Jadwiszczak P., Mörs T. 2019. First partial skeleton of Delphinornis larseni Wiman, 1905, a slender-footed penguin from the Eocene of Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeontologia Electronica 22.2.34A: 1-31,  DOI: 10.26879/933 
  • Jadwiszczak P., Rothschild B.M. 2019 (online 2017). The first evidence of an infectious disease in early penguins, Historical Biology, 31(2): 177-180, DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2017.1353606
  • Sierakowski K., Korczak-Abshire M., Jadwiszczak P. 2017. Changes in bird communities of Admiralty Bay, King George Island (West Antarctic): insights from monitoring data (1977-1996). Polish Polar Research 38(2): 231-262.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Mörs T. 2017. An enigmatic fossil penguin from the Eocene of Antarctica. Polar Research 36:1, 1291086, DOI: 10.1080/17518369.2017.1291086.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Mörs T. 2016. First report on quill pits in early penguins. Antarctic Science 28(3): 217-218.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2015. Another look at tarsometatarsi of early penguins. Polish Polar Research 36(4): 343-354.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2014. At the root of the early penguin neck: a study of the only two cervicodorsal spines recovered from the Eocene of Antarctica. Polar Research 33, 23861, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/polar.v33.23861.
  • Jadwiszczak K. A., Jadwiszczak P. 2014. Brzoza karłowata Betula nana w Polsce. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 70(2): 146-151.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2014. Synsacra of the Eocene Antarctic penguins: new data on spinal maturation and an insight into their role in the control of walking. Polish Polar Research 35(1): 27-39.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Gaździcki A. 2014. First report on hind-toe development in Eocene Antarctic penguins. Antarctic Science 26(3): 279-280. 
  • Jadwiszczak P., Acosta Hospitaleche C., Reguero M. 2013. Redescription of Crossvallia unienwillia - the only Paleocene Antarctic Penguin. Ameghiniana 50(6): 545-553. 
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2013. Początki ewolucji pingwinów. Kosmos 62(3): 435-441.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Acosta Hospitaleche C. 2013. Distinguishing between two Antarctic species of Eocene Palaeeudyptes penguins: a statistical approach using tarsometatarsi. Polish Polar Research 34(3): 237-252.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2013. Taxonomic diversity of Eocene Antarctic penguins: a changing picture. In: Hambrey M.J., Barker P.F., Barrett, P.J., Bowman, V., Davies, B., Smellie, J.L. & Tranter, M. (eds) Antarctic Palaeoenvironments and Earth-Surface Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 381: 129-138. 
  • Jadwiszczak P., Krajewski K.P., Pushina Z., Tatur A. Zieliński G. 2013. The first record of fossil penguins from East Antarctica. Antarctic Science 25(3): 397-408. 
  • Jadwiszczak K. A., Drzymulska D., Banaszek A., Jadwiszczak P. 2012. Population history, genetic variation and conservation status of the endangered birch species Betula nana L. in Poland. Silva Fennica 46(4): 465-477.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2012. Partial limb skeleton of a "giant penguin" Anthropornis from the Eocene of Antarctic Peninsula. Polish Polar Research 33(3): 259-274.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Chapman S.D. 2011. The earliest fossil record of a medium-sized penguin. Polish Polar Research 32(3): 269-277.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2011. New data on morphology of late Eocene penguins and implications for their geographic distribution. Antarctic Science 23(6): 605-606.
  • Acosta Hospitaleche C., Jadwiszczak P. 2011. Enigmatic morphological disparity in tarsometatarsi of giant penguins from the Eocene of Antarctica. Polish Polar Research 32(2): 175-180.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Mörs T. 2011. Aspects of diversity in early Antarctic penguins. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56(2): 269-277.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2010. New data on the appendicular skeleton and diversity of Eocene Antarctic penguins. In: Nowakowski D. (ed.), Morphology and systematics of fossil vertebrates, DN, Wrocław, Poland: 44-50.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2010. Zrozumieć statystykę. Wydawnictwo My Book, Szczecin.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2010. Penguin response to the Eocene climate and ecosystem change in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region. Polar Science 4: 229-235.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2009. Penguin past: The current state of knowledge. Polish Polar Research 30(1): 3-28.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2008. An intriguing penguin bone from the Late Eocene of Seymour Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Antarctic Science 20(6): 589-590.
  • Jadwiszczak P., Gaździcki A., Tatur A. 2008. An ibis-like bird from the Upper La Meseta Formation (Late Eocene) of Seymour Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 20(4): 413-414.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2006. Eocene penguins of Seymour Island, Antarctica: The earliest record, taxonomic problems and some evolutionary considerations. Polish Polar Research 27(4): 287-302.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2006. Eocene penguins of Seymour Island, Antarctica: Taxonomy. Polish Polar Research 27(1): 3-62.
  • Duda N., Chętnicki W., Jadwiszczak P. 2003. Intraspecific nest parasitism in Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. Ardea 91(1): 122-124.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2003. The early evolution of Antarctic penguins. In: Huiskes A.H.L., Gieskes W.W.C., Rozema J., Schorno R.M.L., van der Vies S.M., Wolff W.J. (ed.), Antarctic Biology in a Global Context, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden: 148-151.
  • Myrcha A., Jadwiszczak P., Tambussi C.P., Noriega J.I., Gaździcki A., Tatur A., del Valle R.A. 2002. Taxonomic revision of Eocene Antarctic penguins based on tarsometatarsal morphology. Polish Polar Research 23(1): 5-46. 
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2001. Body size of Eocene Antarctic penguins. Polish Polar Research 22(2): 147-158.
  • Jadwiszczak P. 2000. The fossil record of Antarctic penguins. In: Grześ M., Lankauf K.R.,  Sobota I. (ed.), Polish Polar Studies, 27th International Polar Symposium, Toruń, Poland: 39-45.
  • Gębczyński A.K., Jadwiszczak P. 2000. Importance of fat reserves in Wilson’s storm petrel chicks. Ornis Fennica 77: 71-76.


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