• P. Muszyński, M. Cieślińska, M. Dziemidowicz, E. Bonda-Ostaszewska, T. Hirnle, T.A. Bonda, The Influence of Empagliflozin on the Expression of Mitochondrial Regulatory Proteins in Human Myocardium in an Ex Vivo Model of Short-Term Atrial Tachypacing, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2025, 26, 1664, DOI: 10.3390/ijms26041664 
  • P. Brzęk, P. Selewestruk, J. Sadowska, A.K. Gębczyński, A. Książek, A. Kalinovich, J. Nedergaard, M. Konarzewski, Divergent selection for basal metabolic rate in mice affects the abundance of UCP1 protein: implications for translational studies, The Journal of Physiology  2025, 603, 2, 319-336, DOI: 10.1113/JP286669
  • K. Iwińska, J.S. Boratyński, A. Książek, J. Błońska, Z. Borowski, M. Konarzewski, Reproduction results in parallel changes of oxidative stress and immunocompetence in a wild long-living mammal—edible dormouse Glis glis, Biology Letters 2024, 20: 20240257, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0257
  • J. Sadowska, K.M. Carlson, C.L. Buck, T.N. Lee, K.N. Duddleston, Microbial urea-nitrogen recycling in arctic ground squirrels: the effect of ambient temperature of hibernation, Journal of Comparative Physiology B 2024, 194(6):909–924, DOI: 10.1007/s00360-024-01579-9
  • D. Sawicka, S. Maciak, A. Sadowska, E. Sokołowska, S. Gohal, K. Guzińska-Ustymowicz, K. Niemirowicz-Laskowska, H. Car, Metabolic Rate and Oxidative Stress as a Risk Factors in the Development of Colorectal Cancer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024, 25, 10713, DOI:10.3390/ijms251910713
  • A. Piotrowska-Niczyporuk, E. Bonda-Ostaszewska, A. Bajguz, Mitigating Effect ofTrans-Zeatin on Cadmium Toxicity inDesmodesmus armatus, Cells 2024, 13, 686, DOI: 10.3390/cells13080686 
  • A.K. Gębczyński, J. Sadowska, M. Konarzewski, Differences in the range of thermoneutral zone between mouse strains: potential effects on translational research, American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2024, 326(2): R91-R99, DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00154.2023
  • P. Brzęk, What do molecular laws of life mean for species: absolute restrictions or mere suggestions?, Journal of Experimental Biology 2023, 226, jeb245849, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.245849
  • J.R.E. Taylor, Eurasian Pygmy Shrew Sorex minutus Linnaeus, 1766, [W]:  Handbook of the Mammals of Europe, K. Hackländer, F. E. Zachos (eds.), © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65038-8_186-1, pp 1-24, eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-65038-8, Series ISSN: 2730-7387, Series eISSN: 2730-7395
  • A.N.M.A. Ausems, N.D. Kuepper, D. Archuby, C. Braun, A.K. Gębczyński, A. Gladbach, S. Hahn, P. Jadwiszczak, P. Kraemer, M.M. Libertelli, S. Lorenz, B. Richter, A. Ruß, T. Schmoll, S. Thorn, J. Turner, K. Wojczulanis‑Jakubas, D. Jakubas, P. Quillfeldt, Where have all the petrels gone? Forty years (1978–2020) of Wilson’s Storm Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) population dynamics at King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo, Antarctica) in a changing climate, Polar Biology 2023, 46:655–672, DOI: 0.1007/s00300-023-03154-4
  • J.R.E. Taylor, M. Muturi, J. Lázaro, K. Zub, D.K.N. Dechmann, Fifty years of data show the effects of climate on overall skull size and the extent of seasonal reversible skull size changes (Dehnel's phenomenon) in the common shrew, Ecology and Evolution 2022, 12:e9447, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9447
  • P. Brzęk, D. Roussel, M. Konarzewski, Mice selected for a high basal metabolic rate evolved larger guts but not more efficient mitochondria, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2022, 289: 20220719, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2022.0719 
  • A. Goncerzewicz, T. Górkiewicz, J.M. Dzik, J. Jędrzejewska-Szmek, E. Knapska, M. Konarzewski, Brain size, gut size and cognitive abilities: the energy trade-offs tested in artificial selection experiment, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2022, 289: 20212747, DOI: 0.1098/rspb.2021.2747 
  • A. Zbyryt, Ł. Jankowiak, L. Jerzak, P. Tryjanowski, Head and body orientation of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia during incubation: effect of wind, apex predators and power lines, Journal of Ornithology 2022, 163:181-189, DOI: 10.1007/s10336-021-01920-x
  • P. Brzęk, A. Gębczyński, P. Selewestruk, A. Książek, J. Sadowska, M. Konarzewski, Significance of variation in basal metabolic rate in laboratory mice for translational experiments, Journal of Comparative Physiology B 2022, 192:161-169, DOI: 10.1007/s00360-021-01410-9
  • J. Höglund, L. Bolender, M. Cortazar‑Chinarro, S. Meurling, A. Laurila, A. Hermaniuk, C. Dufresnes, Low neutral and immunogenetic diversity in northern fringe populations of the green toad Bufotes viridis: implications for conservation, Conservation Genetics 2022, 23:139-149, DOI: 10.1007/s10592-021-01407-5 [PDF]
  • N. Linek, P. Brzęk, P. Gienapp, M. T. O’Mara, I. Pokrovsky, A. Schmidt, J. R. Shipley, J.R.E. Taylor, J. Tiainen, T. Volkmer, M. Wikelski, J. Partecke, A partial migrant relies upon a range-wide cue set but uses population-specific weighting for migratory timing, Movement Ecology 2021, 9:63, DOI: 10.1186/s40462-021-00298-y
  • I.L.E. van de Pol, A. Hermaniuk, W.C.E.P. Verberk, Interacting effects of cell size and temperature on gene expression, growth, development and swimming performance in larval zebrafish, Frontiers in Physiology 2021, 12, 738804, 1-12, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.738804
  • Z. Borowski, K. Zub, M. Sulwiński, M. Suska-Malawska, M. Konarzewski, Plant–herbivore interactions: Combined effect of groundwater level, root vole grazing, and sedge silicification, Ecology & Evolution 2021,11:16047–16054, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8275
  • A. Kiersztyn, K. Kiersztyn, P. Karczmarek, M. Kamiński, I. Kitowski, A. Zbyryt, R. Lopucki, G. Pitucha, W. Pedrycz, Classification of complex ecological objects with the use of information granules, IEEE CIS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) 11-14 czerwiec 2021,  DOI: 10.1109/FUZZ45933.2021.9494466
  • J. Sadowska, A.K. Gębczyński, M. Konarzewski, Larger guts and faster growth in mice selected for high basal metabolic rate, Biology Letters 2021, 17(10): 20210244, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0244
  • P. Brzęk, Sex differences in nonshivering thermogenesis in the wild, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2021, 536, 111402, DOI: 10.1016/j.mce.2021.111402
  • J.R. Speakman, Q. Chi, Ł. Ołdakowski, H. Fu, Q.E. Fletcher, C. Hambly, J. Togo, X. Liu, S.B. Piertney, X. Wang, L. Zhang, P. Redman, L. Wang, G. Wang, Y. Li, J. Cui, P.J. Thomson, Z. Wang, P. Glover, O.C. Robertson, Y. Zhang, D. Wang, Surviving winter on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Pikas suppress energy demands and exploit yak feces to survive winter, PNAS 2021, 118, 30 e2100707118, 1-11, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2100707118 
  • M. Konarzewski, J. Kupryjanowicz, Ścieżkami Puszczy Knyszyńskiej (Along the paths of the Knyszyn Forest), Białystok 2021, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, ISBN: 978-83-7431-654-5, 352 strony
  • J. T. Bialas, Ł. Dylewski, A. Dylik, T. Janiszewski, I. Kaługa, T. Królak, R. Kruszyk, K. Pawlukojć, Z. Pestka, M. Polakowski, A. Zbyryt, M. Tobolka, Impact of land cover and landfills on the breeding effect and nest occupancy of the white stork in Poland, Scientific Reports 2021, 11:7279, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-86529-z
  • A. Zbyryt, Ł. Dylewski, G. Neubauer, Mass of white stork nests predicted from their size: Online calculator and implications for conservation, Journal for Nature Conservation 2021, 60, 125967, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2021.125967
  • J. Lázaro, L. Nováková, M. Hertel, J.R.E. Taylor, M. Muturi, K. Zub, D.K.N. Dechmann, Geographic patterns in seasonal changes of body mass, skull, and brain size of common shrews, Ecology and Evolution 2021, 11: 2431–2448, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7238
  • J. Taylor, Nowoczesna technologia w służbie badań nad migracjami ptaków, PANorama 2021, 2(12), 7-9
  • A. Hermaniuk, I.L.E. van de Pol, W.C.E.P. Verberk, Are acute and acclimated thermal effects on metabolic rate modulated by cell size? A comparison between diploid and triploid zebrafish larvae, Journal of Experimental Biology 2021, 224, jeb227124, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.227124
  • A. Zbyryt, T.H. Sparks, P. Tryjanowski, Whitewashing improves relocated nest occupancy in the white stork: An experimental test of public information, Journal for Nature Conservation 2021, 59: 125929, DOI: 10.1016/j.nc.2020.125929
  • J. Kozłowski, M. Konarzewski, M. Czarnoleski, Coevolution of body size and metabolic rate in vertebrates: a life-history perspective, Biological Reviews 2020, 95, 1393–1417, DOI: 10.1111/brv.12615
  • M. Kalfayan, J.R.E. Taylor, Dragonfly assemblages in four Mediterranean wetlands of Samos Island, Greece (Odonata), Fragmenta Entomologica 2020, 52 (2): 377–385, DOI: 10.4081/fe.2020.470
  • M. Bartoszewicz,U. Czyżewska,  M. Siemieniuk, S. Maciak, Ecotypes of Bacillus cereus sensu lato, [W]: Post-conference monograph of Current Environmental "Modern problems and solutions in environmental protection", J. Karpińska, M. Bartoszewicz, R. Sawczuk (eds.), Białystok 2019, Wydawnictwo UwB, ISBN: 978-83-7431-615-6, str. 115-125
  • E. Oleńska, V. Imperato, W. Małek, T. Włostowski, M. Wójcik, I. Swiecicka, J. Vangronsveld, S. Thijs, Trifolium repens-associated bacteria as a potential tool to facilitate phytostabilization of zinc and lead polluted waste heaps, Plants 2020, 9, 1002, 1-18, DOI: 10.3390/plants9081002
  • A. Hermaniuk, M. Czajkowska, A. Borkowska, J.R.E. Taylor, Body size variation in hybrids among populations of European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) with different breeding systems, Amphibia-Reptilia 2020, 41: 361-371, DOI: 10.1163/15685381-bja10005
  • S. Maciak, D. Sawicka, A. Sadowska, S. Prokopiuk, S. Buczyńska, M. Bartoszewicz, G. Niklińska, M. Konarzewski, H. Car, Low basal metabolic rate as a risk factor for development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care 2020, 8: e001381, DOI: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001381
  • M. Czajkowska, P. Brzęk, P. Dobrzyń, A novel polymorphism in the fatty acid desaturase 2 gene (Fads2): A possible role in basal metabolic rate, PLoS ONE 2019, 14(2): e0213138, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213138
  • A. Hermaniuk, M. Czajkowska, A. Borkowska, J.R.E. Taylor, Body size variation in hybrids among populations of European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) with different breeding systems, Amphibia-Reptilia 2020, DOI: 10.1163/15685381-bja10005
  • A. Flack, P.J. Schaeffer, J.R.E. Taylor, I. Müller, M. Wikelski, W. Fiedler, Daily energy expenditure in white storks is lower after fledging than in the nest, Journal of Experimental Biology 2020, 223, jeb219337. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.219337
  • D. Sawicka, S. Maciak, H. Kozłowska, I. Kasacka, M. Kloza, A. Sadowska, E. Sokołowska, M. Konarzewski, H. Car, Functional and structural changes in aorta of mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate, Journal of Comparative Physiology B 2020,190: 101-112, DOI: 10.1007/s00360-019-01252-6
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A.K., Lewoc M., Konarzewski M. 2019. Not that hot after all: no limits to heat dissipation in lactating mice selected for high or low BMR. Journal of Experimental Biology,  jeb.204669 doi: 10.1242/jeb.204669
  • C. Gatica-Sosa, P. Brzęk, M. Magallanes, W.H. Karasov, E. Caviedes-Vidal, Intestinal α-glycosidase transcriptional responses during development and diet adjustment in altricial birds, Journal of Experimental Biology 2018, 221, jeb171827, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.171827
  • Ołdakowski Ł., Taylor J.R.E., Oxidative damage and antioxidant defense are assay and tissue-dependent both in captive and wild-caught bank voles (Myodes glareolus) before and after reproduction, Ecology and Evolution 2018, 1-10 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4187
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A., Konarzewski M., Long-term trait consistency in mice selected for swim-induced high aerobic capacity, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 2018, 91(4), 000-000 DOI: 10.1086/698213
  • Bonda-Ostaszewska E., Włostowski T., Łaszkiewicz-Tiszczenko B., Tissue trace elements and lipid peroxidation in breeding female bank voles Myodes glareolus, Biological Trace Element Research 2019, 187: 137-141 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-018-1353-7 [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Laboratoria Instytutu Biologii, Laboratorium 2018, 1, 67-72
  • Wróblewska A., Taylor J.R.E., Zieliński P., Jekatierynczuk-Rudczyk E., Najbliżej natury - Instytut Biologii Wydziału Biologiczno-Chemicznego Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Analityka 2017, 2, 70-72
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A.K., Konarzewski M., Selection for high aerobic capacity has no protective affect against obesity in laboratory mice, Physiology & Behaviour 2017, 175, 130-136 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.03.034
  • Brzęk P., Chediack J.G., Cid F.D., Karasov W.H., Caviedes-Vidal E., Differential transcriptional responses underlie dietary induction of intestinal carbohydrase activities in house sparrow nestlings, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 2016, 100, 236-242, DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12354 [PDF]
  • Hermaniuk A., Rybacki M., Taylor J.R.E., Metabolic rate of diploid and triploid edible frog Pelophylax esculentus correlates inversely with cell size in tadpoles but not in frogs, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 2017, 90, 2, 230-239 DOI: 10.1086/689408
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A.K., Konarzewski M., Metabolic risk factors in mice divergently selected for BMR fed high fat and high carb diets, PLOS ONE 2017, 12(2), e0172892, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172892
  • Deoniziak K., Hermaniuk A., Wereszczuk A., Effects of wetland restoration on the amphibian community in the Narew River Valley (Northeast Poland), Salamandra 2017, 53, 1, 50-58 [PDF]
  • Dechmann D.K.N., LaPoint S., Dullin C., Moritz H., Taylor J.R.E., Zub K., Wikelski M. 2017. Profound seasonal shrinking and regrowth of the ossified braincase in phylogenetically distant mammals with similar life histories. Scientific Reports 7:42443, DOI: 10.1038/srep42443.
  • Czarnoleski M., Labecka A.M., Starostová Z., Sikorska A., Bonda-Ostaszewska E., Woch K., Kubička L., Kratochvíl L., Kozlowski J., Not all cells are equal: effects of temperature and sex on the size of different cell types in the Madagascar ground gecko Paroedura picta, Biology Open 2017, 6, 1149-1154, DOI: 10.1242/bio.025817
  • Książek A., Konarzewski M. - Heat dissipation does not suppress an immune response in laboratory mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR), Journal of Experimental Biology 2016, 219, 1542-1551, DOI: 10.1242/jeb.129312
  • Brzęk P., Gębczyński A.K., Książek A., Konarzewski M. - Effect of calorie restriction on spontaneous physical activity and body mass in mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR), Physiology & Behavior 2016, 161, 116-122, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.04.022
  • Hermaniuk A., Ołdakowski L. - Śmiertelność zwierząt kręgowych na Carskiej Drodze w Biebrzańskim Parku Narodowym, Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 2016, 72, 1, 42-48. [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Michalak K., Kale S.D., Michalak P., Nucleolar dominance and repression of 45S ribosomal RNA genes in hybrids between Xenopus borealis and X. muelleri (2n=36), Cytogenetic and Genome Research 2016, DOI: 10.1159/000450665
  • Włostowski T., Kozłowski P., Łaszkiewicz-Tiszczenko B., Oleńska E. - Cadmium accumulation and pathological alterations in the midgut gland of terrestrial snail Helix pomatia L. from a zinc smelter area: role of soil pH, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2016, 96, 484-489, DOI: 10.1007/s00128-016-1748-0 [PDF]
  • Konarzewski M. - Od Paleolitu do syntetycznego hamburgera: ewolucyjna historia zwyczajów żywieniowych człowieka, [W]: Ewolucja na talerzu, czyli wczoraj, dziś i jutro żywienia człowieka, Gawęcki J. (red.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego, 2015 Poznań, ISBN: 978-83-7160-782-0, str. 9-23.
  • Hermaniuk A., Rybacki M., Taylor J.R.E. 2016. Low temperature and polyploidy result in larger cell and body size in ectothermic vertebrate. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89: 118–129. [PDF]
  • Ołdakowski Ł., Wasiluk A., Sadowska E.T., Koteja P., Taylor J.R.E. 2015. Reproduction is not costly in terms of oxidative stress. The Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 3901-3910. [PDF]
  • Wieczorek M., Szafrańska P.A., Labecka A.M., Lázaro J., Konarzewski M. 2015. Effect of the abrasive properties of sedges on the intestinal absorptive surface and resting metabolic rate of root voles. The Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 309-315.
  • Henel A., Taylor J.R.E., Krajewski Ł. 2015. Pierwsze stwierdzenia Coenagrion armatum (Charpentier,1840) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) w Kotlinie Biebrzańskiej, Wiadomości Entomologiczne 34, 2, 59-60
  • Konarzewski M. 2015. Na początku był głód. Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy Warszawa, Wyd. 2 rozszerzone i uaktualnione.
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A.K., Konarzewski M. 2015. Effect of reproduction on the consistency of the between-line type divergence in laboratory mice selected on basal metabolic rate. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 88: 328-335, DOI: 10.1086/680167.
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A.K., Paszko K., Konarzewski M. 2015. Milk output and composition in mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate. The Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 249-254. 
  • Wieczorek M., Zub K., Szafrańska P. A., Książek A., Konarzewski M. 2015. Plant-herbivore interactions: silicon concentration in tussock sedges and population dynamics of root voles. Functional Ecology 29: 187-194.
  • Michalak K., Maciak S., Kim Y.B., Santopietro G., Oh J.H., Kang L., Garner H.R., Michalak P. - Nucleolar dominance and maternal control of 45S rDNA expression, Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 2015, 282, 1820, 20152201, http:/dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.2201 [PDF]
  • Bonda-Ostaszewska E., Włostowski T. 2015. Apoptosis, proliferation, and cell size in seasonal changes of body and organ weight in male bank voles Myodes glareolus. Mammal Research, DOI: 10.1007/s13364-015-0224-2
  • Zub K., Borowski Z., Szafrańska P.A., Wieczorek M., Konarzewski M. 2014. Lower body mass and higher metabolic rate enhance winter survival in root voles, Microtus oeconomus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113: 297-309.
  • Szafrańska P., Zub K., Wieczorek M., Książek A., Speakman J. R., Konarzewski M. 2014. Shaving increases daily energy expenditure in free-living root voles. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 3964-3967.
  • Wojczulanis-Jakubas K., Jakubas D., Kulaszewicz I., Kidawa D., Taylor J. R. E. 2014. Influence of primary reproductive investments on blood biochemistry, leukocyte profile, and body mass in a small Arctic seabird. The Auk Ornithological Advances 131: 743-755.
  • Książek A., Zub K., Szafrańska P.A., Wieczorek M., Konarzewski M. 2014. Immunocompetence and high metabolic rates enhance overwinter survival in the root vole, Microtus oeconomus. Biology Letters 10, 20140684, http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2014.0684.
  • Brzęk P., Konarzewski M. 2014. Vocal begging and locomotor activity are modulated independently in Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) nestlings. The Auk Ornithological Advances 131: 215-223. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Książek A., Ołdakowski Ł., Konarzewski M. 2014. High basal metabolic rate does not elevate oxidative stress during reproduction in laboratory mice. Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 1504-1509. [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Michalak P. 2014. Cell size and cancer: a new solution to Peto’s paradox? Evolutionary Applications, doi:10.1111/eva.12228. [PDF]
  • Bonda-Ostaszewska E. 2014. Pomiar biokoncentracji zanieczyszczeń w ocenie skażenia środowiska, narażenia organizmów oraz prognozowaniu ekologicznych efektów zanieczyszczeń. Ekonomia i Środowisko  2(49): 288-297.
  • Włostowski T., Kozłowski P., Łaszkiewicz-Tiszczenko B., Oleńska E., Aleksandrowicz O. 2014. Accumulation of cadmium in and its effect on the midgut gland of terrestrial snail Helix pomatia L. from urban areas in Poland. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and and Toxicology 93: 526-531. [PDF]
  • Maciak. S., Bonda-Ostaszewska E., Czarnołęski M., Konarzewski M., Kozłowski J. 2014. Mice divergently selected for high and low basal metabolic rates evolved different cell size and organ mass. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, doi: 10.1111/jeb.12306. [PDF]
  • Borowski Z., Malinowska A., Książek A. 2014. Relationships between dominance, testosterone level and scent marking of males in a free-living root vole (Microtus oeconomus) population. Physiology & Behavior 128: 26-31.
  • Frąckiel K., Henel A., Taylor J.R.E. 2013. Występowanie i wybiórczość siedliskowa iglicy małej Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata: Calopterygidae) w dolinie Biebrzy. Odonatrix 9: 55–64.
  • Brzęk P., Kohl K.D., Caviedes-Vidal E., Karasov W. H. 2013. Activity of intestinal carbohydrases responds to multiple dietary signals in nestling house sparrows. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3981-3987. [PDF]
  • Dlugosz E.M., Chappell M.M., Meek T.H., Szafrańska P.A., Zub K., Konarzewski M., Jones J.H., Eduardo J., Bicudo P.W., Nespolo R.F., Careau V., Garland T. 2013. Phylogenetic analysis of mammalian maximal oxygen consumption during exercise. Journal of Experimental Biology 21: 4712-4721. [PDF]
  • Taylor J.R.E. 2013. Dolina Biebrzy, teren przyrodniczo niezwykły. W: J.R.E. Taylor (red.), Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzątach i roślinach, Trans Humana: 9-21.
  • Taylor J.R.E. 2013. Ryjówki - życie na wysokich obrotach. W: J.R.E. Taylor (red.), Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzątach i roślinach, Trans Humana: 80-88.
  • Taylor J.R.E. 2013. Jak samce batalionów zdobywają względy samic. W: J.R.E. Taylor (red.), Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzątach i roślinach, Trans Humana: 107-115.
  • Taylor J.R.E. 2013. Aktywność naukowa pracowników Instytutu Biologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku w dolinie Biebrzy. W: J.R.E. Taylor (red.), Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzątach i roślinach, Trans Humana: 220-228.
  • Hermaniuk A. 2013. Żaba wodna - krótka historia zakazanej miłości. W: J.R.E. Taylor (red.), Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzątach i roślinach, Trans Humana: 123-130. [PDF]
  • Konarzewski M., Zub K., Szafrańska P. A., Wieczorek M., Książek A. 2013. Być albo nie być (dużym). Mikroewolucja rozmiarów ciała norników północnych. W: J.R.E. Taylor (red.), Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzątach i roślinach, Trans Humana: 65-71.
  • P. A. Szafrańska, K. Zub, M. Konarzewski. 2013. Seasonal variation of resting metabolic rate and body mass in free-living weasels Mustela nivalis. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86(6):791–798. [PDF]
  • Taylor J.R.E. (Ed.). 2013. Tajemnice doliny Biebrzy. Eseje naukowe o zwierzętach i roślinach. Trans Humana, Białystok. 243 str.
  • Zub K., Fletcher Q.E., Szafrańska P.A., Konarzewski M. 2013. Male weasels decrease activity and energy expenditure in response to high ambient temperatures. PLOS ONE 8(8), e72646. [PDF]
  • Brzosko E., Wróblewska A., Jermakowicz E., Hermaniuk A. 2013. High level of genetic variation within clonal orchid Goodyera repens. Plant. Syst. Evol., DOI 10.1007/s00606-013-0817-7. [PDF]
  • Starostova Z., Konarzewski M., Kozłowski J., Kratochvil L. 2013. Ontogeny of metabolic rate and red blood cell size in eyelid geckos: species follow different paths. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64715, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064715. [PDF]
  • Hermaniuk A., Pruvost N.B.M., Kierzkowski P., Ogielska M. 2013. Genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of pentaploidy in water frogs. Herpetologica 69(1): 36-45.
  • Konarzewski M., Książek A. 2013. Determinants of intra-specific variation in basal metabolic rate. J. Comp. Physiol. B 183: 27-41. [PDF]
  • Chappell M.A., Szafrańska P.A., Zub K., Konarzewski M. 2013. The energy cost of voluntary running in the weasel Mustela nivalis. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 578-586.  [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Ciminari M.E., Kohl K.D., Lessner K., Karasov W.H., Caviedesi-Vidal E. 2013.  Effect of age and diet composition on activity of pancrestic enzymes in birds. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, DOI: 10.1007/s00360-012-0731-2. [PDF]
  • Sadowska J., Gębczyński A. K, Konarzewski M. 2013. Basal metabolic rate is positively correlated with parental investment in laboratory mice. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.2576. [PDF]
  • Taylor J.R.E., Rychlik L., Churchfield S. 2013. Winter reduction in body mass in a very small, nonhibernating mammal: consequences for heat loss and metabolic rates. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86: 9-18. [PDF].
  • Salińska A., Włostowski T., Oleńska E. 2013. Differential susceptibility to cadmium-induced liver and kidney injury in wild and laboratory-bred bank voles Myodes glareolus. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65: 324-331. [PDF]
  • Bonda-Ostaszewska E., Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Kozłowski P. 2012. Seasonal and photoperiodic effects on lipid droplet size and lipid peroxidation in the brown adipose tissue of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Acta Theriologica 57: 289-294 [PDF]
  • Salińska A., Włostowski T., Maciak S., Łaszkiewicz-Tiszczenko B., Kozłowski P. 2012. Combined Effect of Dietary Cadmium and Benzo(a)pyrene on Metallothionein Induction and Apoptosis in the Liver and Kidneys of Bank Voles. Biological Trace Element Research 147, 189-194. [PDF]
  • Rychlik L., Churchfield S., Taylor J.R.E., Kardynia P., Ołdakowski Ł. 2012. Live-trapping small mammals under snow: a protocol for maximising captures and minimising mortality. Polish Journal of Ecology 60: 621-628. [PDF].
  • Kloch A., Baran K., Buczek M., Konarzewski M., Radwan J. 2012. MHC influences infection with parasites and winter survival in the root vole Microtus oeconomus. Evolutionary Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s10682-012-9611-1. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Książek A., Dobrzyń A., Konarzewski M. 2012. Effect of dietary restriction on metabolic, anatomic and molecular traits in mice depends on the initial level of basal metabolic rate. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 3191-3199. [PDF]
  • McDevitt A.D., Oliver M.K., Piertney S.B., Szafrańska P.A., Konarzewski M., Zub K. 2012. Individual variation in dispersal associated with phenotype influences fine-scale genetic structure in weasels. Conserv. Genet., doi: 10.1007/s10592-012-0376-4. [PDF]
  • Ołdakowski Ł., Piotrowska Ż., Chrząścik K.M., Sadowska E.T., Koteja P., Taylor J.R.E. 2012. Is reproduction costly? No increase of oxidative damage in breeding bank voles. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 1799-1805. [PDF]
  • Zub K., Piertney S., Szafrańska P.A., Konarzewski M. 2012. Environmental and genetic influences on body mass and resting metabolic rates (RMR) in a natural population of weasel Mustela nivalis. Molecular Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05436.x. [PDF]
  • Churchfield S., Rychlik L., Taylor J.R.E. 2012. Food resources and foraging habits of the common shrew, Sorex araneus: does winter food shortage explain Dehnel’s phenomenon? Oikos121: 1593–1602. [PDF]
  • Książek A., Konarzewski M. 2012. Effect of Dietary Restriction on Immune Response of Laboratory Mice Divergently Selected for Basal Metabolic Rate. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85(1): 51-61. [PDF]
  • Salińska A., Włostowski T., Zambrzycka E. 2012. Effect of dietary cadmium and/or lead on histopathological changes in the kidneys and liver of bank voles Myodes glareolus kept in different group densities. Ecotoxicology 21: 2235-2243. [PDF]
  • Chwełatiuk E., Włostowski T. 2011. Orally Administered Melatonin and the Accumulation and Toxicity of Cadmium in the Bank Vole (Myodes glareolus). Zoologica Poloniae 56(1-4): 19-33.
  • Maciak S., Kostelecka-Myrcha A. 2011. Regularities of variation of the red blood indices characterizing the respiratory function of blood in fish. Zoologica Poloniae 56(1-4): 35-47.
  • Maciak S., Włostowski T., Salińska A., Bonda-Ostaszewska E. 2011. Tissue Cadmium Accumulation is Associated with Basal Metabolic Rate in Mice. Biological Trace Element Research 144: 944-950 , doi: 10.1007/s12011-011-9061-6. [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Janko K., Kotusz J., Choleva L., Boron A., Juchno D., Kujawa R., Kozłowski J., Konarzewski M. 2011. Standard Metabolic Rate (SMR) is inversely related to erythrocyte and genome size in allopolyploid fish of the Cobitis taenia hybrid complex. Functional Ecology 25: 1072-1078. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01870.x. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Kohl K.D., Caviedes-Vidal E., Karasov W.H. 2011. Fully reversible phenotypic plasticity of digestive physiology in young house sparrows: lack of long-term effect of early diet composition. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2755-2760. [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Janko K., Kotusz J., Choleva L., Boron A., Juchno D., Kujawa R., Kozłowski J., Konarzewski M. 2011. Standard Metabolic Rate (SMR) is inversely related to erythrocyte and genome size in allopolyploid fish of the Cobitis taenia hybrid complex. Functional Ecology 25: 1072-1078. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01870.x. [PDF]
  • Kohl K.D., Brzęk P., Caviedes-Vidal E., Karasov W.H. 2011. Pancreatic and Intestinal Carbohydrases Are Matched to Dietary Starch Level in Wild Passerine Birds. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84(2): 195-203. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A.K., Konarzewski M. 2011. Effects of oxygen availability on maximum aerobic performance in Mus musculus selected for basal metabolic rate or aerobic capacity. The Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 1714-1720. [PDF]
  • Köhler A., Sadowska J., Olszewska J., Trzeciak P., Berger-Tal O., Tracy C. R. 2011. Staying warm or moist? Operative temperature and thermal preferences of common frogs (Rana temporaria), and effects on locomotion. Herpetological Journal 21: 17-26. [PDF]
  • Zub K., Szafrańska P.A., Konarzewski M., Speakman J.R. 2010. Effect of energetic constraints on distribution and winter survival of weasel males. Journal of Animal Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01762.x. [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Konarzewski M. 2010. Repeatability of standard metabolic rate (SMR) in a small fish, the spined loach (Cobitis taenia). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 157: 136-141. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Caviedes-Vidal C., Hoefer K., Karasov W.H. 2010. Effect of age and diet on total and paracellular glucose absorption in nestling House Sparrows. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83(3): 501-511. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Lessner K.M., Caviedes-Vidal C., Karasov W.H. 2010. Low plasticity in digestive physiology constrains feeding ecology in diet specialist, zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 798-807. [PDF]
  • Kozłowski J., Czarnołęski M., Francois-Krassowska A., Maciak S., Pis T. 2010. Cell size is positively correlated between different tissues in passerine birds and amphibians, but not necessarily in mammals. Biology Letters DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0288. [PDF]
  • Włostowski T., Dmowski K., Bonda-Ostaszewska E. 2010. Cadmium accumulation, metallothionein and glutathione levels, and histopathological changes in the kidneys and liver of magpie (Pica pica) from a zinc smelter area. Ecotoxicology 19: 1066-1073. [PDF]
  • Maciak S., Konarzewski M. 2010. Repeatability of standard metabolic rate (SMR) in a small ?sh, the spined loach (Cobitis taenia). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 157: 136-141. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Kohl K., Caviedes-Vidal E., Karasov W.H. 2009. Developmental adjustments of house sparrow (Passer domesticus) nestlings to diet composition. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 1284-1293. [PDF]
  • Ołdakowski Ł. 2009. Czy kret europejski Talpa europaea podąża za regułą Bergmana?. Ogólnopolska konferencja Teriologiczna (10.2009 Poznań): Poznać i ochronić różnorodność ssaków w Polsce: 7-9.
  • Gaston K.J., Cown S.L., Calosi P., Bernardo J., Bilton D.T., Clarke A., Clusella-Trullas S., Ghalambor C., Konarzewski M. et al. 2009. Macrophysiology: A Conceptual Reunification. American Naturalist 174(5): 595-612. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A.K., Konarzewski M. 2009. Metabolic correlates of selection on aerobic capacity in laboratory mice: a test of the model for the evolution of endothermy. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 2872-2878. [PDF]
  • Starostova Z., Kubicka L., Konarzewski M., Kozłowski J., Kratochvil L. 2009. Cell size but not genome size affects scaling of metabolic rate in Eyelid Geckos. American Naturalist 174(3), DOI: 10.1086/603610. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A.K., Konarzewski M. 2009. Locomotor activity of mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate: a test of hypotheses on the evolution of endothermy. J. Evol. Biol. 22: 1212-1220. [PDF]
  • Zub K., Szafrańska P.A., Konarzewski M., Redman P., Speakman J.R. 2009. Trade-offs between activity and thermoregulation in a small carnivore, the least weasel Mustela nivalis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.1936. [PDF]
  • Książek A., Czerniecki J., Konarzewski M. 2009. Phenotypic flexibility of traits related to energy acquisition in mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR). Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 808-814. [PDF]
  • Banaszek A., Taylor J.R.E., Ochocińska D., Chętnicki W. 2009. Robertsonian polymorphism in the common shrew (Sorex araneus L.) and selective advantage of heterozygotes as indicated by higher maximum metabolic rates. Heredity 102: 155-162. [PDF]
  • Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Salińska A., Włostowska M. 2009. Seasonal changes of body iron status determine cadmium accumulation in the wild bank voles. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 131: 291-297.
  • Siwak P., Hermaniuk A., Chętnicki W. 2008. Płazy Suwalskiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Parki nar. Rez. Przyr. 27: 109-125.
  • Gębczyński A.K. 2008. Nonshivering thermogenesis capacity versus basal metabolic rate in laboratory mice. Journal of Thermal Biology 33: 250-254.
  • Bartkowska K., Djavadian R.L., Taylor J.R.E., Turlejski K. 2008. Generation recruitment and death of brain cells throughout the life cycle of Sorex shrews (Lipotyphla). European Journal of Neuroscience 27: 1710-1721. [PDF]
  • Włostowski T., Bonda E., Krasowska A. 2008. Effect of cold on lipid peroxidation in the brown adipose tissue and liver of rats. Journal of Thermal Biology 33: 180-184. [PDF]
  • Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Bonda E. 2008. Joint effects of dietary cadmium and polychlorinated biphenyls on metallothionein induction, lipid peroxidation and histopathology in the kidneys and liver of bank voles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69: 403-410.
  • Brzęk P., Bielawska K., Książek A., Konarzewski M. 2007. Anatomic and molecular correlates of divergent selection for basal metabolic rate in laboratory mice. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80: 401-499. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Konarzewski M. 2007. Relationship between avian growth rate and immune response depends on food availability. The Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 2361-2367. [PDF]
  • Szafrańska P.A., Zub K., Konarzewski M. 2007. Long-term repeatability of body mass and resting metabolic rate in free-living weasels, Mustela nivalis. Functional Ecology 21: 731-737. [PDF]
  • Wciąż jesteśmy łowcami i zbieraczami (wywiad) - z Markiem Konarzewskim rozmawia Wojciech Mikołuszko. National Geographic Polska, maj 2007. [PDF]
  • Konarzewski M. (tekst), Andrejczuk C. (zdjęcia) 2007. Symfonia bagien. National Geographic Polska, kwiecień 2007. [PDF]
  • Bonda E., Włostowski T., Krasowska A. 2007. Metabolizm i toksyczność kadmu u człowieka i zwierząt. Kosmos 56: 87-97.
  • Hermaniuk A., Chętnicki W., Sidoruk K., Siwak P., Marzec M. 2006. Płazy Parku Krajobrazowego Puszczy Rominckiej. Parki nar. Rez. Przyr. 25: 95-112.
  • Konarzewski M. 2006. Ewolucja natury ludzkiej. Archeus 7: 23-37. [PDF]
  • Szafrańska P.A., Zub K., Konarzewski M. 2006. Być albo nie być... małym. Kosmos 55 (1): 75-82. [PDF]
  • Konarzewski M. 2006. Ewolucja otyłości. Nauka 4: 85-96. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A. K. 2006. Patterns of ultradian rhythms of activity and metabolic rate in relation to average daily energy expenditure in root voles. Acta Theriologica 51: 345-352.
  • Włostowski T., Bonda E., Krasowska A. 2006. Free-ranging European bisons accumulate more cadmium in the liver and kidneys than domestic cattle in north-eastern Poland. Science of the Total Environment 364: 295-300.
  • Chwełatiuk E., Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Bonda E. 2006. The effect of orally administered melatonin on tissue accumulation and toxicity of cadmium in mice. J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 19: 259-265.
  • Konarzewski M., Książek A., Łapo I. B. 2005. Artificial selection on metabolic rates and related traits in rodents. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45: 416-425. [PDF]
  • Kozłowski J., Konarzewski M. 2005. West, Brown and Enquist`s model allometric scaling again: the same questions remain. Functional Ecology 19: 739-743. [PDF]
  • Ochocińska D., Taylor J.R.E. 2005. Living at the physiological limits: field and maximum metabolic rates of the Common Shrew (Sorex araneus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78(5): 808-818. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A.K. 2005. Daily variation of thermoregulatory costs in laboratory mice selected for high and low basal metabolic rate. Journal of Thermal Biology 30: 187-193.
  • Konarzewski M. 2005. Na początku był głód. Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy. [notka]
  • Włostowski T ., Chwełatiuk E., Bonda E., Krasowska A., Żukowski J. 2005. Hepatic and renal cadmium accumulation is associated with mass-specific daily metabolic rate in the bank vole. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 141: 15-19.
  • Chwełatiuk E., Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Bonda E. 2005. Melatonin increases tissue accumulation and toxicity of cadmium in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). BioMetals 18: 283-291.
  • Łoban A., Hermaniuk A., Chętnicki W., Kuklo E., Siwak P. 2004. Płazy Parku Krajobrazowego Pojezierza Iławskiego. Parki nar. Rez. Przyr. 23: 607-628.
  • Sidoruk K., Hermaniuk A., Chętnicki W. 2004. Wstępna ocena potencjalnych miejsc występowania i rozrodu płazów na terenie powiatu Ełk. W: Kistowski M., Mosdorf M., (red.). Zasoby i zagrożenia środowiska przyrodniczego w powiecie ełckim i mieście Niemczyn. Raport 2004. Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku, Białystok: 96-99.
  • Czerwiec A., Sidoruk K., Chętnicki W., Hermaniuk A. 2004. Płazie Eldorado - czyli, które miejsca trzeba chronić w powiecie ełckim. W: Kistowski M., Mosdorf M., (red.). Zasoby i zagrożenia środowiska przyrodniczego w powiecie ełckim i mieście Niemczyn. Raport 2004. Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku, Białystok: 100-108.
  • Książek A., Konarzewski M., Łapo I.B. 2004. Anatomic and Energetic Correlates of Divergent Selection for Basal Metabolic Rate in Laboratory Mice. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77(6): 890-899. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Konarzewski M. 2004. Effect of refeeding on growth, development and behavior of undernourished bank swallow (Riparia riparia) nestlings. The Auk 121: 1187-98. [PDF]
  • Kozłowski J., Konarzewski M. 2004. Is West, Brown and Enquist's model of allometric scaling mathematically correct and biologically relevant? Functional Ecology 18: 283-289. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A. K., Taylor J. R. E. 2004. Daily variation of body temperature,locomotor activity and maximum nonshivering thermogenesis in two species of small rodents. Journal of Thermal Biology 29: 123-131. [PDF]
  • Bonda E., Włostowski T., Krasowska A. 2004. Testicular toxicity induced by dietary cadmium is associated with decreased testicular zinc and increased hepatic and renal metallothionein and zinc in the bank vole. BioMetals 17: 615-624.
  • Włostowski T., Bonda E., Krasowska A. 2004. Photoperiod affects hepatic and renal cadium accumulation, metallothionein induction, and cadium toxicity in the wild bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 58: 29-36.
  • Krasowska A., Włostowski T., Bonda E. 2004.Zinc protection from fluoride-induced testicular injury in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Toxicology Letters 147: 229-235.
  • Ochocińska D., Taylor J. R. E. 2003. Bergmann's rule in shrews: geographical variation of body size in Palearctic Sorex species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78: 365-381. [PDF]
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  • Łapo I. B., Konarzewski M., Sadowski B. 2003. Differential metabolic capacity of mice selected for magnitude of swim stress-induced analgesia. Journal of Applied Physiology 94: 677-684.
  • Łapo I. B., Konarzewski M., Sadowski B. 2003. Effect of cold acclimation and repeated swimming on opioid and nonopioid swim stress-induced analgesia in selectively bred mice. Physiology and Behavior 78: 345-350. [PDF]
  • Łapo I., Konarzewski M., Sadowski B. 2003. Analgesia induced by swim stress: interaction between analgesis and termoregulatory mechanisms. Pflugers Archive - European Journal of Physiology 446: 463-469. [PDF]
  • Kozłowski J., Konarzewski M., Gawelczyk A. T. 2003. Intraspecific body size optimization produces interspecific allometries. In: T.M. Blackburn, K. J. Gaston (eds), Macroecology: Reconciling Divergent Perspectives on Large Scale Ecological Patterns, Blackwell Publishing, pp 299-320.
  • Kozłowski J., Konarzewski M., Gawelczyk A. T. 2003. Cell size as a link between noncoding DNA and metabolic rate scaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA 24: 14080-14085. [PDF]
  • Książek A., Konarzewski M., Chadzińska M., Cichoń M. 2003. Costs of immune response in cold-stressed laboratory mice selected for high and low basal metabolism rates. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 270: 2025-2031. [PDF]
  • Gębczyński A. K. 2003. Czy ssaki są stałocieplne. Wiadomości Ekologiczne 49: 261-272.
  • Gębczyński A. K. 2003. The food demand in the nest of Wilson`s storm petrel. Polish Polar Research, 24: 127-131.
  • Łapo I.B., Konarzewski M., Sadowski B. 2003. Differential metabolic capacity of mice selected for magnitude of swim stress-induced analgesia. J. Appl. Physiol. 94: 677-784. [PDF]
  • Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Bonda E. 2003. An iron-rich diet protects the liver and kidneys against cadmium-induced injury in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 54: 194-198.
  • Gliwicz J., Taylor J. R. E. 2002. Comparing life histories of shrews and rodents. Acta Theriologica 47: 185-208. [PDF]
  • Cichoń M., Chadzińska, M. Książek A., Konarzewski M. 2002. Delayed effects of cold stress on immune response in laboratory mice. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 269: 1493-1497. [PDF]
  • Brzęk P., Konarzewski M. 2001. Effect of food shortage on the physiology and competitive abilities of sand martin (Riparia riparia) nestlings. Journal of Experimental Biology, 204: 3065-3074. [PDF]
  • Konarzewski M. 2001. Pochwała gorączki, kataru i biegunki. Gazeta Wyborcza. Magazyn nr 48 z 16.08.2001.
  • Diamond J. 2000. Armaty, stal i maszyny. Prószyński i Ska. Tłumaczenie- M. Konarzewski.
  • Korol A., Rashkovetsky E., Iliadi K., Michalak P., Ronin Y., Nevo E. 2000. Nonrandom mating in Drosophila melanogaster laboratory populations derived from closely adjacent ecologically contrasting slopes at "Evolution Canyon". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 97: 12637-12642.
  • Konarzewski M. 2000. Kontrasty filogenetyczne: przełom w metodach porównawczych? Wiadomości Ekologiczne 46: 21-37.
  • Konarzewski M. 2000. Mięso nasze powszednie. Gazeta Wyborcza. Magazyn nr 21 z 17.08.200.
  • Konarzewski M., Starck J.M. 2000. Effects of food shortage and oversupply on energy utilization, histology, and function of the gut in nestling song thrushes (Turdus philomelos). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 73: 416-427. [PDF]
  • Konarzewski M., Gavin A., McDevitt R., Wallis I.R. 2000. Metabolic and organ mass responses to selection for high growth rates in the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 73: 237-248.
  • Gębczyński A. K., Jadwiszczak P. 2000. Importance of fat reserves in Wilson’s storm petrel chicks. Ornis Fennica 77: 71-76.
  • Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz B. 2000. Dietary cadmium decreases lipid peroxidation in the liver and kidneys of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 14: 76-80.
  • Włostowski T., Krasowska A., Łaszkiewicz-Tiszczenko B. 2000. Dietary cadmium induces histopathological changes despite a sufficient metallothionein level in the liver and kidneys of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Comp. Biochem Physiol. 126C: 21-28.
  • Konarzewski M. 1999. O naturze bratobójstwa. Gazeta Wyborcza, Magazyn nr 44.
  • Sadowski B., Konarzewski M. 1999. Analgesia in selectively bred mice exposed to cold in helium/oxygen atmosphere. Physiology & Behavior 66: 145-151.
  • Brzęk P. 1999. V spotkanie doktorantów biologii ewolucyjnej (Umea, Szwecja, 24-26 III 1999). Wiadomości Ekologiczne 45: 366-368.
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  • Włostowski T., Krasowska A. 1999. Subcellular distribution of metallothionein and cadmium in the liver and kidneys of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) exposed to dietary cadmium. Biometals 12: 173-179.
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