Seminarium wydziałowe ODWOŁANE!




Requirement and necessity of modern life has tremendously and indirectly increased product processing and industrialization. Numerous types of industries have been developed to fulfill the human demands. Most of product processing industries utilize energy, raw materials, chemicals, and water in their operation, leading to discharge of large amount of waste in solid form, wastewater or effluent and even gaseous pollutants to the environment. Depending on the type of industries, majority of industry effluent contains toxic chemicals, nutrients, suspended solid, organic carbon and inorganic constituents which will give detrimental impacts on the environment, health and safety. Industrial wastewater containing all these components need to be properly treated before can be safely discharged to the environment. Technology of waste and wastewater treatment has since developed by researchers and industries to minimize the impact on the environment and human. Fundamentally, it consists of physical, chemical and biological treatment, and advanced treatment. Phytotechnology is a nature-based solution and an environmentally friendly approach for waste/wastewater treatment that makes use of plants and its associated microbes to extract, degrade, transform, filter, accumulate or detoxify pollutants. Nowadays, waste management has started shifting to another period of zero-waste discharge or it is widely known as circular economy. Thus, recovery of valuable items from waste/wastewater through phytoremediation especially when dealing with non-toxic effluent is a great effort to support circular economy initiative and simultaneously to ensure sustainable environment. Thus, this sharing experience session will unveil the secret of this technology so that it can be exploited by industries, municipal councils or any government/private sectors as a green solution for waste in the form of solid, liquid or gas.


Strona internetowa powstała w ramach projektu „Nowoczesny Uniwersytet dostępny dla wszystkich”
(umowa nr POWR.03.05.00-00-A007/20) realizowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój.

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