Seminarium "Surviving against the odds: Are bacteria key to protect corals in the acidified oceans of the future?"


Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium naukowe
w najbliższy czwartek 12 października 2023 r. 
na godz. 13.30 do sali 2058

Title: Surviving against the odds: Are bacteria key to protect corals in the acidified oceans of the future?

Nataly Carolina Guevara Campoverde
Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador


The ocean absorbs much of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that humans release, making it more acidic. This is causing the massive death of corals in the world, along with the rest of the species that depend on them. Given the patterns observed so far, scientists make grim predictions for the future. Could bacteria be the key to saving corals and with them, the life in the ocean? We're exploring the coral microbiome in Galapagos underwater volcanoes to find out.





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