The Faculty of Biology at the University of Bialystok is a dynamically developing academic center located on a modern University Campus at Ciolkowskiego 1J Street in Bialystok, Poland. We have a well-qualified research staff and a modern infrastructure with comfortable lecture rooms, computer rooms, laboratories, and a library. Laboratories are equipped with modern devices that allow conducting research in microbiology, molecular biology and genetics, biochemistry, plant and animal physiology, hydrobiology, paleobiology, etc.


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The Faculty of Biology has also a research and teaching field station located in the small village of Gugny, at the edge of the southern basin of the Biebrza River. It lies within the borders of the Biebrza National Park which protects the marshes and peatlands of the Biebrza River valley, unique on a European scale. The Station facilitates field courses for students and wide-scale studies of the precious fauna and flora of Biebrza marshes, creating the scientific basis for their protection and popularizing the wildlife of the Podlasie area in Poland and abroad. 

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